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A Guide to Design Survey


Aug 31, 2022

A Guide to Design Survey

A design survey is a research method that is used to get feedback about a product design, logo, website, video ad, animation, or recording. In this method, you display a design alongside questions relating to the design. This helps you discover users' understanding of the usefulness and usability of your product. In this method, the design is displayed to them until your users finish answering their questions so they can answer them while viewing the design. This differs from the Five-Second Test, where the image disappears after some seconds, as users get to view the design without any time constraints. Therefore, they are relaxed and detailed when answering the questions. A design survey helps gain a thorough understanding of the product (design) and can be combined with other tests.


  • To test comprehension: Based on its capacity to accommodate other testing methods, it thoroughly analyzes each product, fostering deep understanding and clear product vision.

  • To learn user expectations. Design surveys allow you to discover your users' perceptions and impressions of your product. Relevant user expectation questions include: (i) What do you think will happen when you click the affirmation button? (i) Which of the products is clickable?

  • To follow up after a five-second test. Due to its unlimited timing, users can view the design and answer the questions attached thoroughly to give you deeper insights into your product. Examples of relevant questions to follow up on the five-second include: (i) Now that you have had more time with the product, do you understand what it is? (i) What part of the product did you find most attractive?

  • Test Videos and audio files: You can also display video and audio files on a Design Survey Testing. Users must watch the video or listen to the audio before answering the questions. The files won't play independently until users play and finish watching or listening to the file. Relevant video and audio design survey questions include: (i) Who is the speaker? (i) Do you understand the offer presented?

WHY CONDUCT A DESIGN SURVEY? A design Survey is an excellent avenue to understand what your users will do with your product when they view it. By conducting one, you learn:

  • Who your users are.

  • The tasks your users want to accomplish.

  • What information your users are seeking


  • Create your survey goals.

  • Specify which product you want to present

  • Set relevant (short and straightforward) questions.

  • Carefully design your survey

  • Analyse and measure the data received from users

  • Communicate the results


The success of a design survey in helping you gain crystal clarity on your product rises and falls on whether you ask your target users the right questions. So, it is important that you give the necessary time and attention to making sure you have the right questions to ask. To serve as a quick guide, here is a list of question types you can ask:

  • Single Choice (Single Select) questions

  • Multiple choice (Multiple responses) questions

  • Side by side Matrix questions

  • Rank order questions

  • Constant sum questions

  • Image type questions

  • Audio/Video type questions

  • Open-ended questions


A Design Survey helps product teams identify early good market opportunities for their products. It also gives them insight into refining their products based on survey feedback. Furthermore, surveys add credibility to the product in the general market.

A design survey can be used to obtain general details about your product, as well as responses from a large group or multiple users.

Conduct Your Design Suvey With Crowd

Launch your design survey to gain crystal clarity on your product’s opportunities and pitfalls with Crowd.

Crowd provides you with the tools to understand your users so that you can create meaningful experiences for them and drive growth for your business.

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Crowd provides you with the tools to understand your users so that you can create meaningful experiences for them and drive growth for your business.

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Crowd provides you with the tools to understand your users so that you can create meaningful experiences for them and drive growth for your business.

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